Georgia's Dairy Industry

Quick Facts!
Georgia currently has 79 dairy farms and is home to 87,000 dairy cows.​​
Georgia's dairy industry contributes close to $3.4 Billion to Georgia’s economy each year.
The total amount of milk produced in the state during 2022 amounted to 235 million gallons (or 2.02 billion pounds of milk).
Georgia has 2 commercial milk processing plants located in Atlanta and Lawrenceville.
From 2002 to 2022, Georgia increased milk production by 42.8 percent.
Top 6 ranking dairy counties in 2021 by farm gate value:
1. Macon 4. Sumter
2. Burke 5. Morgan
3. Brooks 6. Putnam

Caring for Our Cows & Land
Milk production is not just a profession for dairy farmers; it’s their way of life. Dairy farm families live and work on their farms and know that healthy, happy cows produce more high-quality milk; so the animals’ well-being is a top priority for Georgia's farmers.
They provide a nutritious diet, good medical care and healthy living conditions for their cows.​Professional nutritionists help dairy farmers develop a balanced and nutritious diet for their cows. The ingredients in the feed is a mix of hay, grains like soybeans and corn, protein, vitamins and minerals. Water is also an important part of a cow’s diet and dairy farmers make sure their cows have access to clean water all day.
Freestall Barns: Some Georgia dairy farms feature “freestall” barns that allow cows to walk around as they please and to eat, drink and sleep whenever and wherever they choose. They also provide shade and protection from bad weather.
Most dairy farmers live on or near the land they farm, so it’s important to them to protect the soil, water and air for their families, surrounding communities and future generations.
Water Conservation
Dairy farmers use water responsibly and often recycle it to use on their crops or to clean their milking parlors and barns. For example, wastewater is recycled to flush feed alleys and irrigate fields.
One benefit of fertilizing the soil with cow manure is water conservation. When manure is used to treat soil, its water-holding capacity increases by 20 percent, reducing the amount of groundwater needed to grow crops.
Nutrient Management
Large dairy farms are required to follow nutrient management plans to recycle manure and protect the environement. This is monitored by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division.

Relocating to Georgia?
Relocating or building a new dairy farm in Georgia? Download our Georgia Dairy Industry Information Packet Here.