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Farrah Newberry

Fall = Football (Gooooo Dawgs!)

Goooo DAWGS!

It is hard to believe that we are at the end of August and fall is right around the corner. Fall is my favorite time of the year with cooler temperatures, harvesting time across the state and SEC football. The first snap of the football is exciting and I feel like a kid at recess. It's our reward for making it through the hot and humid summer months.

Fall for Georgia Milk Producers is also extremely busy with producer meetings and many promotional events. We will kick off the season on September 11 in Thomasville with our annual fall district meetings.

For two weeks, your state dairy farmer organizations will travel across Georgia to meet with farmers and key industry groups to report on legislative issues, educational programs and new promotional projects. (Click Here to View Dates)

Having a well-informed and engaged membership is critical to reaching our goals each year. Your input and understanding of the issues challenging our industry and organization is vital. Please plan to attend AND communicate your opinions to our directors and staff during your district meeting.

The dairy community can be successful if we are at the table together. There are many issues currently at the forefront that will impact our industry for many years to come. So I hope you will attend, participate and offer feedback.

See you soon and thank you for your willingness to get involved. Together, we can make a difference!


Farrah Newberry, Executive Director

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